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President Mugabe Praises Election in Iran Citing from Own Experience of Electoral Fraud

Posted: June 16th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Asian News | No Comments »
"These are fires of happiness, <a href=

melanoma not anger," said Ahmedinejad when asked about the fires springing up in the Iranian Presidential Protests” width=”228″ height=”300″ />

HARARE, Zimbabwe – President Robert Mugabe recently hailed the Iranian Presidential elections as “one small step in democracy, one giant leap to ensure everlasting power over the suffering peons of an embattled nation”. With victory claimed for incumbent Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, Mugabe also cites his own personal experience into the foray of elections, mentioning that by fixing results, you can rest assure to piss a ton of people off and quell them by using your corrupt, well-fed and paid military through brute force.

Facing a tough economic climate and a 30% unemployment rate, one of the highest in the world, Ahmedinejad was already poised to win by both supporters and opposition.

“The cynism is deep,” said an Ahmedinejad voter. “I mean, this is Iran. You are expected to vote for the greatest guy who looks as though he has a higher moral and religious authority. These Mousavi people are in denial and that is what they don’t see [electoral fraud brings the greater good for the nation],” added the voter as he continued to pummel a protestor with his pitchfork.

“I don’t get it,” said one Mousavi supporter. “Democracy in Iran means voting for the person who will most likely change the country but instead, we get the shitstained cloth and a latrine so filthy, even the Ayahtollah will not take a crap in it,” continued the supporter as he hurled a stone towards pro-Ahmedinejad armed militia.

With large margins of votes from larger cities such as Tehran and Tabriz, the capital of opposition reformist candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi, going to Ahmedinejad, President Mugabe striked up a similarity with his as he managed to score the same results in his former opponent’s territory, current Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai. Mugabe also furthered assure his fellow Entirely Vile International Leaders (E.V.I.L.) brother that he can further aggravate the country by causing a death of someone special of his opponent, citing Mugabe’s own experience with Tsvangirai’s family.

Mugabe and Ahmedinejad giving a handshake of evil

Mugabe and Ahmedinejad giving a handshake of evil

Although protests have been going on in the major cities of Iran for the past few day, Mugabe ensured the President of Iran that his people are celebrating his victory by burning tires and getting lung cancer, citing that Zimbabweans had the same party with the chlorela infected water. After the meeting, the two leaders shared a bubblebath of evil and laughed menacingly down the dark corridor as they meet with their Russian counterpart, President Dmitri Medvedev at the Russian capital.

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